Vacation Bible School
VBS 2009
For our 2009 VBS program we all jumped in our time travel machine to travel back to the time of castles and knights, kings and queens, and princes and princesses.
Our Castles and Crowns VBS taught us stories about God's love, mercy and willingness to help us through anything. All of us were reminded that we are children of the Father and that makes us royalty too! Just think about it we are all Princes and Princesses, how wonderful and exciting is that!
Of course we can't forget about our VBS Finale were we got to show all of our parents and friends what we learned about all week long. Even more exciting we were all invited to the banquet hall of the VBS King and Queen, where we laughed and talked with our friends and family while enjoying an amazing feast.
I think most of us would agree the one thing even more fun that the food was watching and participating in the Flying Pies! See every year we raise money for a children's charity by brining in our money and loose change and having a little contest between the boys and the girls. Miss Ashley was the girls volunteer and Coach Hassan was the boys. Whoever brought in less money was going to get a pie in the face, but if we could raised over $1000 they both would get a pie in the face. Of course we couldn't let just one have pie and not the other so we did! But since Miss Ashley had less money she got the first pie. It was quite funny and entertaining and rasied over $1500 to help children in need in our community. Check back in a week or so and we will add some picures of the event.
VBS 2010
Our 2010 VBS program is going to be out of this world!
Children ages 3 to 6th grade will enjoy learning that our God is wonderful, incredible, amazing, magnificent and awesome through songs, stories, crafts and so much more.
To register your child or volunteer to help at our 2010 VBS please click on the link below.